Season 14

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Season 14 was the fourteenth season of the Sweet FA. In a fascinating year, the Baghdad Bandits were declared premiers in a famous Grand Final over the Mount Buller Demons.

Pre-Season[edit | edit source]

Quarter Finals[edit | edit source]

Roys FFC 12.12.84 wdb East Side Hawks 15.6.96

Baghdad Bombers 12.7.79 wdb Southern Dragons 23.15.153

West Coast Wonders 16.11.107 wdb Mount Buller Demons 17.11.113

Fighting Furies 13.14.92 def Geelong Gumbies 9.5.59

Semi Finals[edit | edit source]

Mount Buller Demons 13.12.90 def Fighting Furies 11.8.74

East Side Hawks 13.4.82 wdb Southern Dragons 13.5.83

Grand Final[edit | edit source]

Mount Buller Demons 13.12.90 wdb Southern Dragons 17.11.113

Home & Away Season[edit | edit source]

Round 1[edit | edit source]

Geelong Gumbies 12.11.83 wdb Mount Buller Demons 13.13.91

Roys FFC 16.12.108 wdb West Coast Wonders 18.15.123

Baghdad Bombers 12.12.84 def Fighting Furies 10.8.68

Southern Dragons 16.19.115 def East Side Hawks 10.15.75

Round 2[edit | edit source]

East Side Hawks 12.13.85 wdb Baghdad Bombers 20.14.134

Fighting Furies 14.12.96 wdb Geelong Gumbies 14.13.97

West Coast Wonders 9.9.63 wdb Mount Buller Demons 17.15.117

Roys FFC 11.8.74 wdb Southern Dragons 12.15.87

Round 3[edit | edit source]

Southern Dragons 15.11.101 def West Coast Wonders 8.7.55

Baghdad Bombers 20.12.132 def Roys FFC 13.8.86

Geelong Gumbies 13.12.90 def East Side Hawks 10.7.67

Mount Buller Demons 12.9.81 wdb Fighting Furies 16.18.114

Round 4[edit | edit source]

Roys FFC 9.22.76 def Geelong Gumbies 11.7.73

West Coast Wonders 9.10.64 wdb Fighting Furies 10.14.74

East Side Hawks 10.18.78 wdb Mount Buller Demons 15.11.101

Southern Dragons 14.14.98 def Baghdad Bombers 13.11.89

Round 5[edit | edit source]

Fighting Furies 11.16.82 def East Side Hawks 5.8.38

Baghdad Bombers 14.11.95 wdb West Coast Wonders 15.11.101

Mount Buller Demons 16.10.106 def Roys FFC 15.6.96

Geelong Gumbies 15.15.105 def Southern Dragons 12.10.82

Round 6[edit | edit source]

Southern Dragons 19.12.126 def Mount Buller Demons 10.10.70

Roys FFC 18.5.113 def Fighting Furies 13.10.88

Baghdad Bombers 19.9.123 def Geelong Gumbies 14.10.94

West Coast Wonders 11.11.77 wdb East Side Hawks 14.12.96

Round 7[edit | edit source]

Geelong Gumbies 10.12.72 wdb West Coast Wonders 14.16.100

Mount Buller Demons 18.12.120 def Baghdad Bombers 16.8.104

East Side Hawks 14.11.95 def Roys FFC 9.8.62

Fighting Furies 9.9.63 def Southern Dragons 7.14.56

Round 8[edit | edit source]

West Coast Wonders 12.11.83 wdb Roys FFC 14.9.93

Fighting Furies 12.16.88 wdb Baghdad Bombers 14.9.93

Mount Buller Demons 16.13.109 wdb Geelong Gumbies 23.5.143

East Side Hawks 14.10.94 wdb Southern Dragons 16.12.108

Round 9[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 16.13.109 def East Side Hawks 13.9.87

Mount Buller Demons 13.19.97 wdb West Coast Wonders 14.19.103

Geelong Gumbies 7.5.47 wdb Fighting Furies 18.8.116

Southern Dragons 18.9.117 def Roys FFC 15.8.98

Round 10[edit | edit source]

East Side Hawks 10.8.68 def Geelong Gumbies 6.15.51

West Coast Wonders 7.7.49 wdb Southern Dragons 9.12.66

Roys FFC 15.14.104 wdb Baghdad Bombers 17.13.115

Fighting Furies 11.16.82 wdb Mount Buller Demons 14.14.98

Round 11[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 8.9.57 wdb Southern Dragons 10.12.72

Fighting Furies 9.12.66 wdb West Coast Wonders 13.11.89

Mount Buller Demons 9.8.62 def East Side Hawks 9.6.60

Geelong Gumbies 14.10.94 def Roys FFC 9.6.60

Round 12[edit | edit source]

Roys FFC 9.22.76 wdb Mount Buller Demons 13.13.91

East Side Hawks 17.12.114 def Fighting Furies 15.8.98

West Coast Wonders 13.3.81 def Baghdad Bombers 6.10.46

Southern Dragons 14.8.92 wdb Geelong Gumbies 15.3.93

Round 13[edit | edit source]

Fighting Furies 12.15.87 wdb Roys FFC 16.17.113

Geelong Gumbies 9.4.58 def Baghdad Bombers 7.12.54

East Side Hawks 13.17.95 def West Coast Wonders 13.8.86

Mount Buller Demons 17.19.121 def Southern Dragons 14.9.93

Round 14[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 16.12.108 def Mount Buller Demons 10.13.73

Roys FFC 15.12.102 def East Side Hawks 12.6.78

West Coast Wonders 16.18.114 def Geelong Gumbies 15.12.102

Southern Dragons 24.15.159 def Fighting Furies 13.11.89

Round 15[edit | edit source]

East Side Hawks 11.7.73 def Baghdad Bombers 6.2.38

Fighting Furies 4.8.32 wdb Mount Buller Demons 14.13.97

Roys FFC 18.15.123 def West Coast Wonders 14.7.91

Geelong Gumbies 12.9.81 def Southern Dragons 11.13.79

Round 16[edit | edit source]

Geelong Gumbies 15.4.94 wdb Mount Buller Demons 15.15.105

Southern Dragons 11.18.84 def Fighting Furies 12.11.83

Baghdad Bombers 21.17.143 def Roys FFC 17.8.110

West Coast Wonders 11.11.77 def East Side Hawks 9.10.64

Round 17[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 17.6.108 def West Coast Wonders 11.12.78

Mount Buller Demons 8.10.58 wdb Southern Dragons 12.8.80

East Side Hawks 7.4.46 wdb Roys FFC 16.21.117

Fighting Furies 24.17.161 def Geelong Gumbies 14.12.96

Finals - Week One[edit | edit source]

1S: Baghdad Bombers 18.19.127 def West Coast Wonders 14.12.96

2S: Southern Dragons 12.11.83 wdb Mount Buller Demons 17.19.121

Finals - Week Two[edit | edit source]

PF: Southern Dragons 13.8.86 wdb Baghdad Bombers 12.17.89

Finals - Week Three[edit | edit source]

GF: Mount Buller Demons 3.9.27 wdb Baghdad Bombers 7.6.48

Ladder[edit | edit source]

Season 14 ladder
1 Dragons FFC 17 12 5 0 1615 1354 119.28 48
2 Mount Buller Demons 17 11 6 0 1597 1535 104.04 44
3 Baghdad Bandits 17 10 7 0 1632 1476 110.57 40
4 West Coast Wonders 17 8 9 0 1434 1523 94.16 32
5 Geelong Wolves 17 8 9 0 1473 1593 92.47 32
6 Roys FFC 17 7 10 0 1611 1650 97.64 25
7 Fighting Furies 17 6 11 0 1487 1523 97.64 24
8 East Side Hawks 17 6 11 0 1313 1509 87.01 22
Key: P = Played, W = Won, L = Lost, D = Drawn, PF = Points For, PA = Points Against

References[edit | edit source]

Sweet FA seasons
S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23