Season 11

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-- Administrator - Doggiesin08

-- Clubs - 8 (Baghdad Bombers, East Side Hawks, Fighting Furies, Geelong Gumbies, Mount Buller Demons, Roys FFC, Southern Dragons, West Coast Wonders)

-- Preseason champions - Mount Buller Demons

-- Premiers - Fighting Furies 17.13.115 def Geelong Gumbies 14.11.95

-- B&F - Boncer34 (East Side Hawks)

-- Leading Goalkicker - OkeyDoke7 (Southern Dragons) - 71

-- EKA Medallist - Reardo (Roys FFC)

Pre-season[edit | edit source]

Round 1[edit | edit source]

East Side Hawks 20.11.131 def Southern Dragons 13.13.91

Mt Buller Demons 11.15.81 def Geelong Gumbies 5.9.39

Baghdad Bombers 14.9.93 def West Coast Wonders 11.7.73

Roys FC 16.5.101 wdb Fighting Furies 19.6.120

Round 2[edit | edit source]

East Side Hawks 11.8.74 wdb Mt Buller Demons 16.10.106

Fighting Furies 15.13.103 def Baghdad Bombers 15.10.100

Grand Final[edit | edit source]

Mt Buller Demons 16.8.104 def Fighting Furies 11.2.68

Home & Away[edit | edit source]

Round 1[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 9.15.69 wdb East Side Hawks 15.11.101

Southern Dragons 14.8.92 def Geelong Gumbies 12.5.77

West Coast Wonders 11.12.78 def Mt Buller Demons 10.11.71

Fighting Furies 12.8.80 wdb Roys FC 19.8.122

Round 2[edit | edit source]

Geelong Gumbies 11.14.80 def Baghdad Bombers 10.10.70

Fighting Furies 11.6.72 wdb Southern Dragons 18.17.125

East Side Hawks 11.15.81 def West Coast Wonders 8.12.60

Roys FC FC 14.13.97 wdb Mt Buller Demons 18.9.117

Round 3[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 12.8.80 def Fighting Furies 9.10.64

West Coast Wonders 15.7.97 def Geelong Gumbies 14.9.93

Mt Buller Demons 13.10.88 wdb East Side Hawks 15.12.102

Southern Dragons 15.8.98 wdb Roys FC 19.12.126

Round 4[edit | edit source]

Southern Dragons 11.9.75 wdb Baghdad Bombers 15.12.102

Fighting Furies 16.13.109 wdb West Coast Wonders 17.14.116

Geelong Gumbies 21.11.137 def Mt Buller Demons 12.11.83

Roys FC FC 7.7.49 wdb East Side Hawks 11.14.80

Round 5[edit | edit source]

West Coast Wonders 12.12.84 def Southern Dragons 9.9.63

Mt Buller Demons 15.7.97 wdb Fighting Furies 17.12.114

East Side Hawks 10.9.69 wdb Geelong Gumbies 13.9.87

Baghdad Bombers 13.8.86 wdb Roys FC 18.13.121

Round 6[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 20.19.139 def West Coast Wonders 18.7.115

Southern Dragons 14.10.94 wdb Mt Buller Demons 21.13.139

Fighting Furies 11.14.80 def East Side Hawks 8.15.63

Roys FC FC 13.5.83 wdb Geelong Gumbies 12.13.85

Round 7[edit | edit source]

Mt Buller Demons 13.7.85 drew Baghdad Bombers 13.7.85

East Side Hawks 10.11.71 wdb Southern Dragons 16.11.107

Geelong Gumbies 16.17.113 def Fighting Furies 11.16.82

West Coast Wonders 10.4.64 wdb Roys FC 19.10.124

Round 8[edit | edit source]

East Side Hawks 8.7.55 wdb Baghdad Bombers 14.10.94

Geelong Gumbies 18.15.123 def Southern Dragons 13.10.88

Mt Buller Demons 10.11.71 wdb West Coast Wonders 11.9.75

Roys FC FC 11.11.77 wdb Fighting Furies 13.9.87

Round 9[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 13.9.87 def Geelong Gumbies 11.10.76

Southern Dragons 13.16.94 def Fighting Furies 13.10.88

West Coast Wonders 9.6.60 wdb East Side Hawks 11.16.82

Mt Buller Demons 15.9.99 def Roys FC FC 11.9.75

Round 10[edit | edit source]

Fighting Furies 19.6.120 def Baghdad Bombers 13.8.86

Geelong Gumbies 23.14.152 def West Coast Wonders 13.8.86

East Side Hawks 8.11.59 def Mt Buller Demons 8.8.56

Roys FC FC 9.9.63 wdb Southern Dragons 20.10.130

Round 11[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 15.10.100 def Southern Dragons 9.7.61

West Coast Wonders 17.18.120 def Fighting Furies 17.12.114

Mt Buller Demons 15.18.108 def Geelong Gumbies 12.11.83

East Side Hawks 17.16.118 def Roys FC FC 10.4.64

Round 12[edit | edit source]

Southern Dragons 19.4.118 def West Coast Wonders 14.8.92

Fighting Furies 16.12.108 def Mt Buller Demons 15.12.102

Geelong Gumbies 11.11.77 wdb East Side Hawks 11.15.81

Roys FC FC 9.12.66 wdb Baghdad Bombers 15.9.99

Round 13[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 16.14.110 def West Coast Wonders 12.9.81

Mt Buller Demons 25.9.159 def Southern Dragons 12.9.81

East Side Hawks 11.8.74 wdb Fighting Furies 21.10.136

Geelong Gumbies 16.14.110 def Roys FC FC 9.11.65

Round 14[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 16.12.108 def Mt Buller Demons 14.10.94

Southern Dragons 16.13.109 def East Side Hawks 12.15.87

Fighting Furies 12.14.86 wdb Geelong Gumbies 15.10.100

West Coast Wonders 17.7.79 def Roys FC FC 12.16.88

Round 15[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 19.13.127 def East Side Hawks 17.9.111

Southern Dragons 13.5.83 wdb Geelong Gumbies 12.12.84

West Coast Wonders 15.13.103 def Mt Buller Demons 12.15.87

Fighting Furies 12.13.85 def Roys FC FC 11.6.72

Round 16[edit | edit source]

Geelong Gumbies 22.5.137 def Baghdad Bombers 12.10.82

Fighting Furies 10.13.73 wdb Southern Dragons 16.16.112

East Side Hawks 12.7.79 def West Coast Wonders 10.7.67

Roys FC FC 11.8.74 wdb Mt Buller Demons 15.10.100

Round 17[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 16.10.106 def Fighting Furies 15.12.102

West Coast Wonders 13.13.91 wdb Geelong Gumbies 14.13.97

Mt Buller Demons 8.15.63 wdb East Side Hawks 18.15.123

Southern Dragons 16.5.101 wdb Roys FC 17.16.118

Round 18[edit | edit source]

Southern Dragons 17.8.110 def Baghdad Bombers 14.17.101

Fighting Furies 16.14.110 def West Coast Wonders 14.7.91

Geelong Gumbies 16.10.106 def Mt Buller Demons 12.12.84

Roys FC FC 13.10.88 wdb East Side Hawks 15.12.102

Round 19[edit | edit source]

West Coast Wonders 21.19.145 def Southern Dragons 11.18.84

Mt Buller Demons 12.8.80 wdb Fighting Furies 12.10.82

East Side Hawks 8.9.57 wdb Geelong Gumbies 14.11.95

Baghdad Bombers 10.11.71 wdb Roys FC 24.7.151

Round 20[edit | edit source]

Baghdad Bombers 20.18.138 def West Coast Wonders 13.11.89

Southern Dragons 12.10.82 wdb Mt Buller Demons 20.13.133

Fighting Furies 9.12.66 wdb East Side Hawks 10.18.78

Roys FC 19.12.126 def Geelong Gumbies 15.8.98

Round 21[edit | edit source]

Mt Buller Demons 14.7.91 wdb Baghdad Bombers 15.15.105

East Side Hawks 12.11.83 wdb Southern Dragons 30.17.197

Geelong Gumbies 10.13.73 wdb Fighting Furies 16.12.108

West Coast Wonders 10.12.72 wdb Roys FC 16.15.111

Finals - Week One[edit | edit source]

1S - East-Side Hawks 8.8.56 wdb Fighting Furies 11.6.72

2S - Geelong Gumbies 15.12.102 def Baghdad Bombers 15.8.98

Finals - Week Two[edit | edit source]

PF - Baghdad Bombers 15.8.98 wdb Fighting Furies 15.13.103

Finals - Week Three[edit | edit source]

GF - Geelong Gumbies 14.11.95 wdb Fighting Furies 17.13.115

Ladder[edit | edit source]

Season 11 ladder
1 Geelong Wolves 21 14 7 0 2073 1808 114.66 56
2 Baghdad Bandits 21 13 7 1 2045 1985 103.02 50
3 East Side Hawks 21 12 9 0 1756 1839 95.49 48
4 Fighting Furies 21 10 11 0 1899 1869 101.61 37
5 Dragons FFC 21 10 11 0 2104 2120 99.25 37
6 West Coast Wonders 21 9 12 0 1895 2121 89.34 36
7 Roys FFC 21 8 13 0 1960 1991 98.44 32
8 Mount Buller Demons 21 7 13 1 2007 1971 101.83 29
Key: P = Played, W = Won, L = Lost, D = Drawn, PF = Points For, PA = Points Against

References[edit | edit source]

Sweet FA seasons
S01 S02 S03 S04 S05 S06 S07 S08 S09 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23